Monday, October 24, 2011

A new guitar!

Last week, I had the privilege of buying my husband a guitar. It really IS a privilege to buy this man things. I'm fairly certain the reason we're not rich is he would have so many guitars you wouldn't be able to get into our home. He was soooooo excited, though. He had no idea (well, I had no idea either, until we got in there and saw them...) he would get a guitar on Thursday. We went to find a book for me so I can learn to play my bass fancier, and they had several Gibsons on the wall. Originally, the plan was to save so he could have an expensive guitar for his birthday. I desperately wanted him to have the best, but he decided he'd rather have a cheaper guitar now, and maybe another one next year (although I then proceeded to buy him $400 worth of accessories, so he maybe isn't getting another guitar next than only have one expensive one. His eyes lit up when I told him we could take one home that day, even though it would be for Christmas (and...I let him play it Sunday at church. Obviously, he's probably not waiting until Christmas for it). He got so excited, and he looked and looked to decide what he needed to play to choose his guitars. He only played two, his Gibson and a Strat, but he just kept playing and playing. I love to buy him things. He truly is like a kid at Christmas, and he never asks for things. He just gets this look in his eyes, and I know that it would make him happy. There are lots of things I don't get to do to make him happy, so buying him little things makes me happy. I mean, we can't afford tons of expensive stuff. I can't buy him lots of high-priced guitars. I can't buy him classic cars. Once in awhile, though, I can really just make his day, and I love to do that. He walked into the computer room today while I was getting ready to go with Mom to take our kitty to the vet and said, "Have I told you thank you for my guitar?" And I said he hadn't. He grinned and said thank you. He is the cutest thing ever when he's excited about something, and I love seeing that look on his face. Luckily, he also gets that look when I buy him tacos and cds, so I don't just have to buy guitars...

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