Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Here we go...again! :)

I am no stranger to the blogging world. I started my first one...almost 7 years ago, I guess, but this is the first one I've ever made public. I wanted a new place to share. God has done so much for us, for me, lately, and I want to put that into words as much as possible. A few things before we start:

The title? A Petra song. I kept searching, and I couldn't find anything that suited what I wanted to convey. JRE loves Petra, and it just fit. I also made my URL for him. I am a fantastic, giving wife. Or, maybe not, considering he'll probably never see this...

This blog is for sharing what God is doing. How He's moving, where we feel He's leading, what He's showing to me. It is also for sharing my life. For example: there will be posts about my Christmas tree, I'm sure of it. This is going to be a place to record the joys in my life. God has blessed me greatly, and I am focusing on that. Let me just say, though, that there will be posts about my MS and my infertility. God uses those things to teach me, to grow me, to move me out of my comfort zone. He's brought many blessings into our lives through our trials, and I am not going to shy away from those topics. It will not be a whiny, complaining blog, but I reserve the right to be real here, too. If that's not something you're comfortable with, you maybe shouldn't read. MS can be complicated and not so fun, and about the time I think I get adjusted, something new happens and I have to readjust. Sometimes, that takes a little time and hashing out. I promise, though, to not overshare, as both complications can be rather personal. Mostly, though, if you read, come expecting joy.

I think I have 6 blogs, including this one. Most of the ones I have, I stopped writing on because it got too heavy. I don't intend for this blog to be heavy. It will be real, yes. It will be about life, about the food pantry, about how things are not always rosy for everyone in the universe. It will not, however, be for just talking about my problems. God has really given me a new outlook in the past few months, and while things are not perfect for us, we believe that our blessings far outweigh our burdens, and we choose to live our lives as fully as possible. I really want to focus on that.

So now I will share what I really wanted to share, why I'm making a whole, brand-new, (6th) blog. Last night, I became aware that a friend I met through her blog had passed away. She had an auto-immune disease also, although hers had the potential to be more life-threatening than mine. She was sick for a long time, but she shared so much joy with the world. Barely able to move by the end, she was as consistent as possible with her blogging, always sharing a funny tale about her dog, little glimpses of her life, some new way God was speaking to her. My desire is to emulate that. I don't expect to have hundreds of followers like she did, but I want to show joy and love to everyone I meet. I want to encourage. God has been gently reminding me for several months now how blessed I am just to be alive. My prayer is that if you know me, you've seen some of that, some of the changes as I've learned to thank God for my trials instead of being angry at Him because of them. If you haven't, we have a problem.

This won't be fancy. I won't have someone design my blog. There might not even be any pictures, as I'm not sure I know how to upload them. If you want, though, you're welcome to read, to join me as I learn to explore the life I love, the life I lead only because of His grace.



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